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British Car List - majordomo@autox.team.net - subscribe british cars

DeLorean - dmcnews@goodnet.com - subscribe delorean

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Morgan - majordomo@autox.team.net - subscribe morgans

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Pre-War British Cars - majordomo@autox.team.net - subscribe british-cars-pre-war

Rover - majordomo@ganglion.anos - subscribe rovernet@med.umich.edu

Sunbeam Alpine - alpines-request@autox.team.net - subscribe alpines

Sunbeam Tiger - molson@gomoz.sc.intel.com - subscribe tigers

Triumph - majordomo@autox.team.net - subscribe triumphs

Triumph Stags - majordomo@lists.balltown - subscribe stag@cma.com

TR7/8 - tr8.request@mercury.ics.mit.edu - subscribe TR8

TVR - j.e.upham@reading.ac - ask to join the list

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